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Robocoenosis to Public
Biohybrid robotics for continuous monitoring. pre-COP26 - All4Climate Italy 2021 - Workshop "Integrating Robotics and Ecology to Preserve Ecosystems". May 2021, Pisa
Biohybrid Entities for Environmental Monitoring. Special Session and Extension Workshop “Complexity Alife: Socializing and Eco-Integrating Robots with Living Organisms”. Artificial Life (ALIFE) 2021 International Conference. July 2021, Virtual.
Le sfide della biorobotica sottomarina. Bright Night 2022. September 2022, Pisa.
Uni-Graz forscht an neuer Robotertechnologie. December 2021. (link)
Forschungsroboter im Neusiedlersee. Nano Magazine and Nano TV. January 2022, Illmitz. (link)
Flohbotschaft vom Roboter. Signature: Kultur & Wissen. March 2022. (link)
Daphnia as a sensor for underwater monitoring systems. Conference: SIL - Austrian Limnological Association. September 2022, Illmitz.
Biohybrids for environmental monitoring. Conference: SIL - Austrian Limnological Association. September 2022, Illmitz.
Organisms as living sensors for autonomous underwater setups. IEEE IROS 2022. October 2022, Kyoto.
Biohybrid entities for environmental monitoring. IEEE IROS 2022. October 2022, Kyoto.
Le nuove frontiere della biorobotica sottomarina. 9a Festa della Robotica 2023. January 2023, Pisa.
Wasserflöhe und Muscheln als Qualitätssensoren für heimische Seen. DerStandard: Wissenschaft. April 2023. (link)
Bioinspired robotics for environmental monitoring. International Robotics Festival. May 2023, Pisa
Automated image-based analysis unveils acute effects due to sub-lethal pesticide doses exposure. Conference: 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. July 2023, Sydney.
Daphnia as a sensor for biohybrid monitoring systems. ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine. July 2023, Sapporo.
La revolución biohíbrida: cómo aliarnos con los seres vivos mejorará la tecnología. ElDiario. September 2023. (link)
Living organisms as sensors for biohybrid monitoring systems. Living Machines 2023. September 2023, Kassel.
Developing a biohybrid entity for aquatic environment observations. Living Machines 2023. September 2023, Kassel.
"Robocoenosis Internationale Forschung am Millstättersee". Bundesforste-Altweibersommer. October 2023, Millstatt.
Bioinspired Engineering, Soft Robotics and Bio-hybrid Technologies as new Frontiers in Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management. Conference: 2023 IEEE International Worskhop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry. November 2023, Pisa.
Was verrät eine Muschel über Wasserqualität? - P.M. Wissen ( (link)
Presentation of Project at Johaneum Research, Pinkafeld, Austria 29. May 2024. Wiktoria Rajewicz, Nikolaus Helmer, Thomas Schmickl
Welcome Semester Student Event University Graz, Austria. 2nd Oktober 2023. Ronald Thenius, Wiktoria Rajewicz, Nikolaus Helmer, Thomas Schmickl
Biohybrid Roboter als Datensammler Unter Wasser. 2024. Österreichische Bundesforste. Ronald Thenius, Nikolaus Helmer, Wiktoria Rajewicz (link)
"BIOHYBRIDS THROUGH ORGANISM-TECHNOLOGY INTERACTIONS" Winter School. February 2024, Graz, Austria. Nikolaus Helmer, Wiktoria Rajewicz, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius
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